React native interview question and answers

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  1. What is React Native? A: React Native is an open-source framework that enables developers to build native mobile applications using JavaScript and React.

  2. What are the advantages of using React Native? A: Cross-platform compatibility, performance, cost-effectiveness, and a large developer community are some of the advantages.

  3. How does React Native differ from ReactJS? A: ReactJS is for building web applications, whereas React Native is used for building native mobile applications. The core concepts are the same, but the components and APIs are different.

  4. Can React Native be used for building iOS and Android apps? A: Yes, React Native can be used for building apps for both iOS and Android platforms.

  5. How does React Native improve performance compared to hybrid apps? A: React Native uses native components, which improves the performance compared to hybrid apps that use web components.

  6. What is the difference between React Native and Xamarin? A: Both are used for building cross-platform mobile applications, but React Native uses JavaScript and React, while Xamarin uses C# and the .NET framework.

  7. How can you access native modules in React Native? A: You can access native modules in React Native by using the Native Modules API.

  8. Can you use Redux with React Native? A: Yes, Redux can be used with React Native for managing state in a React Native app.

  9. What is the use of the react-native-cli? A: The react-native-cli is a command-line interface for creating and managing React Native projects.What is the “bridge” in React Native? A: The “bridge” in React Native refers to the communication between the JavaScript code and the native code in a React Native app.

  10. How does React Native handle navigation? A: React Native has various libraries for navigation such as React Navigation, React Native Navigation, and Native Navigation.

  11. What is the purpose of the React Native “Babel” compiler? A: The Babel compiler is used to convert the latest JavaScript syntax into a syntax that can be understood by older browsers or platforms.

  12. What is the difference between React Native’s StyleSheet and CSS? A: React Native’s StyleSheet is similar to CSS, but it has some differences in terms of syntax and the styling properties that are available.

  13. How can you handle data storage in React Native? A: React Native provides various options for data storage such as AsyncStorage, Realm, and SQLite.

  14. Can React Native access device-specific functionality such as camera and GPS? A: Yes, React Native provides access to device-specific functionality through its APIs and libraries.

  15. How does React Native handle push notifications? A: React Native uses libraries such as React Native Push Notifications or OneSignal for handling push notifications.

  16. What is the purpose of React Native’s “props” and “state”? A: “Props” are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component, while “state” is used to manage the local state of a component.

  17. Can you explain the concept of “hot reloading” in React Native? A: Hot reloading allows developers to instantly see changes made to the code on the simulator or device without having to recompile the entire app.

  18. What is the use of the “FlatList” component in React Native? A: The “FlatList” component is used to render long lists of data efficiently. It renders only the items that are currently visible on the screen.

  19. Can React Native be used to build desktop applications? A: Yes, React Native can be used to build desktop applications through libraries such as React Native Desktop.

  20. What is the difference between “React Native” and “Ionic”? A: React Native uses native components for building mobile apps, while Ionic uses web components. React Native provides better performance, but Ionic is easier to learn for web developers.

  21. How does React Native handle platform-specific code? A: React Native provides a way to write platform-specific code by using “platform-specific extensions” such as .ios.js and .android.js.

  22. What is the use of “redux-thunk” in React Native? A: “redux-thunk” is a middleware in Redux that allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action. It is used to handle asynchronous logic in a Redux app.